Real lasting change takes more than 3 days, that’s why I’ve started this 12 month program.
So if you’re hungry for a change in your life and you want to achieve more, be healthier, richer, fitter, thinner, calmer and more focused then our 12 month program may be just what you need to get back on track, or to improve any aspect of your life or health.

In 12 months we will cover:
- The NSP meditation in great depth.
- The neurology of success
- Alkalising to reduce body fat and other ways to reduce body fat permanently and effectively.
- A strategy that neuroscientists believe will change your DNA
- How to grow your hippocampus to improve your mental health and prevent neurological decline.
- The importance of and how to digital detox properly
- How to get out of rigid thought patterns and flow more.
- How to manage your psychology when you’re trading the financial markets.
- Kung fu
- Qi Gong
- Cellular regeneration strategies.
- How to reduce body fat levels naturally.
- Neurotransmitters and the importance of releasing all of them regularly, different activities activate different neural networks. When you’re consciously aware of how you’re currently wired it’s easier to change, grow and improve exponentially.
This is a 12 month program.
Sessions go for 60-90 minutes every Monday so you can start your week on the right track.
When you sign up you will receive a complimentary 4 hour session to get started.
We also run a 3 day retreat and a 3 day trading course at ElizaTheTrader.com
The 12 month program is $2000
The 3 day retreat is $2,150 including one night of accommodation.
The 3 day trading course is $2,500
All prices are In Australian dollars.
Please email us at Successpass@gmail.com if you’d like to make a booking.