Sometimes you don’t realise how much you needed to detoxify your system until you actually do….
People talk about detoxification and they use different jargon, but the purpose is the same whether you call it a detox or a diet.
You spring clean your home so you should also spring clean your body.
Kidneys detoxify by secreting toxins or filtering toxins out of the blood into urine. Liver detoxifies by changing the chemical nature of many toxins. Kidneys and liver are especially important.
A friend of mine had to have her gall bladder removed because she was so unhealthy.
Liver failure can be deadly so it’s important to detox at least once a year.
Please consult your doctor or health professional before trying this diet.
If you don’t detox you may find that your body starts to malfunction, symptoms may include:
Mood swings
Sleep disruption
Sugar cravings
Lack of motivation
Cloudy or red eyes
Yeast infections
Blotchy skin
If you detox then initially you may feel worse for a few days, but then you’ll feel a lot better.
After your detox if you’ve done it properly you’ll feel.
More energised
Your eyes will be clearer
Your skin will glow
You’ll sleep better
Your dopamine levels will go up, unless you’re on medication.
What Should You Eat When You’re Detoxing?
Green vegetables and barley grass powder for the first 5 hours of the day.
Then have raw almonds and Brazil nuts until 3 or 4pm
Then have 2 proper meals with a healthy grain like Quinoa and some vegetables.
If you’re not a vegetarian then have some good quality fish or chicken with at least one of these meals.
Before bed have some plain kefir to balance out your intestinal flora.
If you keep this up for 30 days you’ll feel and look a lot better.
I recommend detoxing every weekend, if you haven’t detoxed for years then detox in this way for 1-2 months, your body will need it…!
After your detox you’ll feel energised and refreshed, especially when you eat a healthy and nutritious meal, your body’s cells will absorb more of the nutrients that you eat because your stomach will be able to digest food properly again.